Vicki's Story

Vicki's Story

On one of our courses in Rhyl, we met Victoria - a mature student who felt lost in which direction to take her life in. Here is her account of her time with us at Meee:

My first encounter of the Meee Programme was during the annual Product Design Conference at Pontio, Bangor. Sid, Founder of Meee, was a speaker, sharing the fantastic work of Meee and the importance of confidence building in order to succeed. I remember feeling inspired and his message strongly resonating with me. I had just completed a BSc in Product Design and supposedly poised to seek work in my new chosen career path. However, I was in fact crippled with lack of confidence and was finding the whole process extremely difficult. During his talk, Sid made reference to a visit he made to a school and recalled being shocked by the response of the learners. Sid said, when he asked how they see themselves they replied with comments of self-loathing and lack of confidence. I remember feeling that feeling and knowing how it has held me back in many areas of my life.

I returned to university as a mature student, through a determination to show my children that anything was possible. Throughout the process, I struggled to balance family, school and work life and constantly questioned if I was doing the right thing which constantly chipped away at my confidence. Upon leaving university, I still had no idea what my strengths were and what I had to offer potential employers and I found seeking work extremely difficult.

Whilst struggling with my job search, I was offered and opportunity to attend the Meee Programme. Remembering Sid’s talk, I jumped at the opportunity and so glad I did. The coaches; Sid, Tia, Tina & Marcus are amazing. They have an encouraging and engaging way, making you feel relaxed and open to learn. The heart of the programme is for people to find their strengths, build on them and in turn, grow in confidence. When applying for work, I now know what skills I have to offer potential employers. I found the work completed during the course to be focused and well-structured but simple, easy and fun to complete and based on sound and supported research.

I personally feel that everyone should have access to the course as you can only ever benefit from such amazing and inspiring work.

Thank you to all at Meee

From Vicki

At Meee, we’re here to inspire everyone, everywhere, every day to Find, Live, and Give their unique Magic. By embracing our roles as Magic Makers, we have the power to transform ourselves, our organisations, and our communities.

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