Meee in Ysgol Ty Fynnon

Meee recently embarked on our second journey to Ysgol Ty Fynnon! We received an amazing response from the staff and students.
Huw Davies filmed the workshop and held a session in their library afterwards where the children had a chance to talk about what they thought.
Sid nearly cried as some of the youngsters overcome their shyness and lack of confidence to present and talk on camera. It was amazing to seem then conquer the fears.
They asked if they could have ‘Meee Sessions’ always at their school as they woud miss us! This means so much to us here at Meee.
Meg said that a student said 'what's the point in this, I can't do anything and I don't even like school'.
By the end of the final session he had completely changed his attitude and feelings towards learning and was taking charge of the team exercises and confidently presenting his ideas to the rest of the group, he was clearly a born leader he just didn't realise it! This was amazing to see.
We are so happy to see that our work with Meee Education is improving the cofidence of youngsters as well as helping them to see Education positively.