Mental Health

Possibly the biggest topic for us all right now! We all need to do more to ensure our mental health is at the forefront of our thinking. Here’s some great articles to help.

Be More Curious

Be More Curious

Ever thought about curiosity? Or curious people? Here at Meee, we think about it A LOT. People who ask the right questions and seek the answers will go on to exceed their potential...

The Psychology of Colour

The Psychology of Colour

Have you ever had a really strong response to a colour? Like, absolute love or complete revulsion? The colours around us have a significant impact on our emotions, whether...

Meaningful Connection

Meaningful Connection

In an age of instant messaging, FaceTime and social media it can be easy to forget the true meaning of connection. It is apparent that having tons of friends on Facebook and taking...

It's just a dog, right?

It's just a dog, right?

For those of you who have a furry friend, we are sure you're aware of the many benefits having pets can bring to your life and particularly your mental health...

Overcoming Social Anxiety

Overcoming Social Anxiety

Your mind races, your words don't come out right and your palms sweat. Social anxiety sends people into a frenzy of over thinking and stress. The good news is we have all…

Practice Self-care

Practice Self-care

Self-care has become a hot topic in recent times, particularly with the developing acceptance and open discussion of mental health and in truth, it's never been more important than it is…

Mindset - Why it matters

Mindset - Why it matters

Have you heard the word mindset recently? I imagine a large percentage of us have heard it mentioned in conversation or are familiar with the concept of what it means…

Tips To Positively Influence Your Life

Tips To Positively Influence Your Life

Throughout life we stumble across both positive and negative influencers that impact our lives in a variety of ways. It is true though that the best person to positively enhance your…